Sunday, February 17, 2008

Stuffed Artichokes

This recipe is also from Jonathon's blog.  I learned some things with this one: number one, I need a sharp knife.  I went through three dull knives trying to cut the bottom and tops off of the artichokes.  Number two: Joey likes artichokes.  It's been awhile since I have seen such a reaction.  This was his first artichoke "not on a pizza" and he was highly impressed. 

So basically you cut the ends off and stuff with a bread crumb mixture. Place in a small casserole dish with about a 1/2 inch of hot water (it doesn't have to be "boiling"), and cover with tin foil. BAM! Super goodness.

That's your basic corn and store-bought flavored tofu, all microwavable- perfect for the weekday meal.  We used hummus for the dip instead of vegannaise or regular mayonnaise. 

Prep time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 45 minutes
Taste rating: me 8, Joey 9. We are now on the search for the "perfect" artichokes
Dirty dishes: minimal
Messiness: 10!  But fun!  We actually used our dinner table. Don't faint!

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