This recipe came from compassion over killing as well. The thing to remember with this one, is that the tofu needs to be frozen before you start. I dried out the tofu before freezing it, but after I microwaved it to defrost it, it was soaking! So have lots of paper towels or a few soft towels ready. It only takes about 5 minutes in the microwave.
After the defrosting, dip in water, then dip in the bread crumb mix. Pretty easy! Bake for 30min on a cookie sheet.
While they were baking a sauteed some mushrooms and scallions just for kicks to put on top of the brown rice.
To make it fun, I heated some pre-made orange chicken sauce and drizzled on top of the cubes. Ba M!
Prep time: 15 min
Cook time: 35 minutes
Taste rating: Em-8 Joey- 6
Dirty dishes: minimal
Next time, I'll probably use a teriyaki marinade or sauce instead of the orange sauce- it was a bit on the sweet side.
This blog makes me so freaking hungry.
Ya it does. :P
Interesting to know.
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