1 1/2 cup quinoa, throughly rinsed
2 tbsp olive oil
1 large onion
2 chopped broccoli crowns
1 cup grated cheddar cheese
Boil 3 cups of water, then add the quinoa and simmer. Quinoa is done with the water has evaporated- about 15 minutes.
Heat oil in a skillet and saute the onion. Add the broccoli, and 1/4 cup water, cover, and steam for 5-7 minutes.
In a bowl mix the cooked quinoa and broccoli mixture with half of the cheese. Season to taste, and spread in a casserole dish. I made a little extra, so I used the big one, but if you are following the recipe exactly, you probably only need the little one (9x9?). Sprinkle the rest of the cheese on top, and bake at 375 degrees for 20 minutes.
Taste rating: 8 from both
Preparation: 20 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Dishes: A good amount.
I like quinoa, but have found that I can only eat so much of it before it starts to be a bit odious (as opposed to, say, lasagna, which I can eat for a week with no problem). But this recipe does look fun!
Oooh... I must make that. I love me some quinoa. And unlike Erin, I could eat it every day!!!
i would have to say this turned out pretty good. i googgled "quinoa broccoli recipe" and this came up, what good luck. now, back to my dinner...
sweet! glad it worked for you :)
We have made this several times and I love it.
An extra tip...I have picky kids so I put the broccoli and onion through the food processor before mixing to "hide" it.
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